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Replacement of plate heat exchangers in heating stations of clean energy districts, technical engineers make on-site surveys to find out the reasons

2020-12-23 06:41:00 

On October 8th, Ruipute technical engineers, at the invitation of customers, came to a residential area of Mexico's own heat exchange station for field visits. The general situation is that the community has more than 1100 households, the district heating station independent small temperature difference heat exchange, but the heat exchange effect has been not ideal, power consumption is a lot, received many feedback from the owners to the property that the home is not too hot. Now find the re-selection design that we want our engineers to replace the plate heat exchanger for the district heating station, saving costs.

two in-line small temperature difference water plate heat exchanger, each more than 2 meters high, plate pressure together there are more than 1.1 meters thick, small temperature difference heat exchange characteristics due to the import and export temperature is relatively similar, such a plate heat exchanger board The film is relatively long, the longer the ripples flowing in principle heat exchange effect will be better, but the scene of these two board exchange did not do this, but at the time of purchase the price is very low, so that customers feel that the price is considerable, I do not know the two years of operation and maintenance costs invested quite a lot.

plate heat exchanger

Our engineers on-site survey, put forward a few points, first of all, we Ripte production of plate and technical workers installed capacity and experience, we designed the number of plate heat exchanger plates will be much less than the current use of two and ensure that the heat exchange efficiency will be much higher, and secondly, our equipment will be higher than the previously purchased plate heat exchanger prices in other countries, because our raw materials are imported, now raw material prices, exchange rates also have substantial changes, in fact, a lot of money, But our board change or no price increase or reduce the quality of production standards, in order to keep the low cost of customer operation, only the cost of regular maintenance each year, not fragrant! Wait for Therpt plate heat exchanger in this production line for a new, comparison chart, look at customer feedback. But there is still a month from heating time, the schedule is relatively tight, we do heating station plate heat exchanger customer orders are about 6-9 months, ahead of schedule, in order to ensure that the equipment on time Oh!

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